Don't Just Weather the Storm

Times can get tough. Don’t just weather the storm.

I think we can all agree that 2020 has not gone as planned and continues to hit us with the unexpected and if you are anything like me you are tired of hearing about it. That is the reason why I have chosen to spend my time trying and learning new things, writing being one of them. This is a time where we all need to grow and adapt and come out the other side of this that much stronger. Some predict that the economy will take years to recover and that we will see many closures of businesses on the horizon. What does that mean for us in manufacturing? That means there will be many opportunities available soon if they aren’t already presenting themselves to you now. From equipment to commercial real estate, reshoring production or resourcing for a number of reasons. Now is the time to be seeking out these opportunities and strengthening our businesses footprint.

There are a number of ways you can use this time to strengthen your future and prepare for these upcoming opportunities. You can review your teams and make sure that you have no single points of failure, meaning that you have a backup plan for every key person and/or process in your organization. This is not a new concept but it is one that we are spending a lot of time on here at GrovTec. Cross training will only strengthen our core and better prepare us for whatever the future throws at us. Secondly you can take a deep dive into your key processes using lean principles and highlight and eliminate any wastes found. This could free up time and/or people to help in other areas in your business. Time and resources are what we are constantly looking for more of. Lastly you can help others find success. For us, this has been the key during these times. As a business to business sales person you find success through other people’s success and as they grow you will grow. It is amazing how the universe has a funny way of giving to those that spend their time giving to others. In times like these it is easy to be in a fight or flight mode and the quote that I keep getting reminded of is the one that states “don’t just go through it, grow through it.” This is a good reminder to not sit back and just weather the storm. Push past it and thrive!

Thanks for reading. If you would like to connect you can find me on LinkedIn
